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December 29, 2008
As of now, I don't have a title, but I already have plenty of ideas thought out.
I'm going to be writing the story (or script, more accurately) from start to finish pretty soon (though it could take all day, several days, or even several weeks if I procrastinate enough).
Most likely going to be hosted here. I already put some of my comics up there, but I will probably erase them and have it for my new comic alone.
Updates may be often, or there might be none at all until the comics arrive.
I guess you'll find out in the first update (that is if you care).
Leave comments here.
Thank you for reading.
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December 30, 2008
The seasons are most likely going to be ten episodes long each, for a total of forty episodes. I plan on doing an episode a week, so the whole thing should be released (from when I start releasing, to when I finish) in not quite a year.
I'm writing the story (script) in a notepad document, and I already have some character names figured out and a template for writing the whole thing written down.
I am probably going to be doing most of the writing at night when I have fewer interruptions and distractions.
Also: I have decided that I will not be writing this entirely from start to finish. I just got an awesome Idea for the ending, and I don't want to forget it.
Leave comments here. I will read and respond to every one of them.
I hope you will read it! :)
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January 3, 2009
First of all, happy new year!
On to business.
Thinking of the story and writing the scripts for each of these episodes is going to take longer than expected. A lot longer...
I have the script for the final episode completed (Not chronologically; it is actually the only one I have done) and part of the first episode.
I also have the the notepad document completely laid out so that I don't have to do any more work than thinking and typing.
That's all for now!
P.S., please check out my new song and leave a review.
Leave comments or suggestions about the comic here. I will read and respond to every one of them.
I hope you will read it! :)
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